News | September 26, 2014

Enterprise-Level Information Sharing, the Next Level of Care

McKesson Enterprise Image Repository brings together scattered images from numerous isolated systems into the image repository (VNA) and helps provide a single view of the patient’s imaging history, accessible from anywhere across the enterprise. McKesson Clinical Data Exchange manages, shares, and helps access patient information anywhere in the enterprise or the region from any common Web-enabled device or workstation by leveraging the IHE Cross-Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS) integration profile. 

McKesson QICS helps to manage a range of workflow processes throughout imaging departments and helps automate workflows by removing clumsy workarounds, inter-departmental communication barriers and connecting disparate applications. 

McKesson Cardiology  CVIS single database design provides the entire care team with access to the complete cardiovascular EHR, and allows for a single point of integration to launch image analysis and reporting tools from your EHR. Let us show you how mobile technology is helping change the way physicians are using their CVIS.

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