August 26, 2008 - Corgenix Medical Corp. announced its collaboration with BG Medicine whereby Corgenix' AtherOx products will be included in studies conducted by BG Medicine to predict near-term risk of first myocardial infarction (MI).
Under the terms of the collaboration agreement, Corgenix will provide several of its products for the studies conducted by BG Medicine, including the FDA-cleared IgG Anti-AtherOx Kit, as well as the investigational Anti-AtherOx IgM and AtherOx kits. Corgenix may use the data generated by BG Medicine with the AtherOx technology products for regulatory and commercialization purposes in exchange for certain considerations.
The AtherOx technology utilizes oxidized low-density-lipoprotein (oxLDL) complexed with the plasma protein B2GPI. Although oxLDL has been implicated in cardiovascular disease, according to results published in the Annals of N.Y. Academy of Science (2007), determination of oxLDL/B2GPI complexes, rather than oxLDL alone, may be a more physiologic and accurate way of assessing the risk of progressive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease in individuals with systemic lupus erythematosus and lupus-like disorders. Corgenix licensed this technology in 2002, and is developing additional products utilizing this unique platform.
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