Pictured here (L to R) are Rene Packard, MD, PhD., representing the Cardiovascular Research Foundation - Ma Family, Best Abstract winner, Abdul Rahman Ihdayhid, MBBS, PhD, with SCCT President Brian B. Ghoshhajra, MD, MBA, MSCCT. Photo courtesy of SCCT.
The Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT) awarded winners from two competitions during its 17th Annual Scientific Meeting, held July 15-17, in Las Vegas, Nev.
Seven finalists were selected for the Best Abstract Award in cardiovascular computed tomography. Each finalist presented their research at SCCT2022. The SCCT Best Abstract Award is supported by the Cardiovascular Research Foundation of Southern California. The CVRF of So. Ca. - Ma Family helps strengthen the professional and clinical development of top radiology residents and cardiology fellows.
Best Abstract
The SCCT2022 Best Abstract Award was presented to Abdul Rahman Ihdayhid, MBBS, PhD | Fiona Stanley Hospital for the abstract titled, “Comprehensive Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease on CCTA Using Deep Learning Methods.”
The 1st Runner Up Award was presented to Michael Shearer, BA, St. Francis Hospital & Heart Center, United States, whose abstract was “Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Epicardial Fat Features and Their Mortality Implications in A Population-based Cohort.”
The Best Abstract 2nd Runner Up was Diederick Verheijen, MD, MSc | CAHAL, Center for Congenital Heart Disease Amsterdam, Netherlands for the abstract: “A Novel Method to Identify an Intramural Segment in Interarterial Anomalous Coronary Arteries on Ct-angiography.”
Canon Young Investigators Awards (YIA)
Two radiology and cardiology trainees were presented with the 16th Annual Canon Young Investigator Awards (YIA) in cardiovascular computed tomography. The YIA program supports the professional and clinical development of top radiology residents and cardiology fellows within five years of completing a training program. All six finalists presented their research during SCCT2022.
The winner of the Canon Young Investigators Award (YIA) for 2022 was Rebecca Jonas, MD | Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, whose abstract was: “Predicting Ischemia Using QCT Versus Functional Testing.”
The YIA Runner Up was Donghee Han, MD | Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, for the abstract: “Temporal Changes in Prognostic Outcomes Among Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Calcium Scanning: 1998 To 2013.”
Additional information: www.scct.org https://scct.org/page/SCCT2022LasVegas