September 14, 2022 — Details on late-breaking clinical trials to be presented during The VEINS (Venous Endovascular INterventional Strategies) and VIVA (Vascular InterVentional Advances) Annual Conference have been announced. Leading physicians and researchers will present results from 21 clinical trials, from Monday, October 31, to Wednesday, November 2, at Wynn Las Vegas.
The VEINS and VIVA bring together a global, multispecialty faculty to present a variety of talks and live case presentations from clinical centers around the world. Attendees for both events include an audience of interventional cardiologists, interventional radiologists, vascular surgeons, and endovascular medicine specialists.
The VEINS 2022, October 30-31, is a comprehensive education symposium focused on the diagnosis, intervention, and management of venous disorders. The Conference will delve into PE, superficial and deep vein disease, pelvic vein disease, dialysis, and medical management. Those in attendance will explore key clinical topics, current practice trends, and get a glimpse of what’s next in venous disease care.
VIVA22, October 31-November 3, is a vascular education symposium that emphasizes innovation and multidisciplinary learning. The milestone conference will mark VIVA's 20th anniversary as a premier educational event for endovascular specialists. VIVA22 will continue to define innovation in vascular medicine and intervention, featuring a world-renowned, multispecialty faculty; extended concurrent and pre-course sessions; state-of-the-art technology, according to Conference planners. The VIVA Foundation is a not-for-profit organization committed to improving patient outcomes by advancing the field of vascular medicine and intervention through collaborative education, advocacy, and targeted research.
Late-Breaking Clinical Trial results to be released, with each presentation to include Q&A from a multidisciplinary panel, are listed alphabetically by trial name.
Late-breaking Clinical Trials during THE VEINS Conference:
ABRE Study: Clinical Outcomes by Initial Clinical Presentation Through 36 Months: Stephen A. Black, MD
Decreased ICU Cost for Iliofemoral DVT Patients Treated with Thrombectomy: John Filtes, MD
First-in-Human Study Results with Amplifi Vein Dilation System Treatment: Surendra Shenoy, MD, PhD
Improvement in Clinical and Echo Parameters After Computer-Aided Mechanical Aspiration Thrombectomy for Treatment of Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Elias Iliadis, MD
In-Hospital and 30-day Outcomes from the Fully-Enrolled, Multicenter, Prospective CLOUT Registry: David Dexter, MD
Propensity-Score Matched Analysis of Early Clinical Outcomes From the CLOUT and ATTRACT Studies: Steven Abramowitz, MD
Late-breaking Clinical Trials during VIVA22 include:
3-Year Results of the GORE VIABAHN Stent-Graft in the Superficial Femoral Artery for In-Stent Restenosis: Peter Soukas, MD
12-Month Results from a Prospective Study of the Rotarex Atherectomy and Thrombectomy Catheter System: Michael Lichtenberg, MD
36-Month Outcomes for the BioMimics Stent in Longer Lesions: A Subgroup Analysis of the MIMICS-3D EU Registry: Michael Lichtenberg, MD
A Patient-Level, Propensity-Adjusted Comparison of Drug-Coated Balloons vs Bare Metal Stents in Femoropopliteal Lesions: 3-Year Results in Prospective, Multicenter Studies: Mehdi Shishehbor, DO, MPH, PhD
A Registry-Based Study of Paclitaxel Drug-Coated Balloon Angioplasty for the Treatment of In-Stent Restenosis of the Femoral-Popliteal Artery: Daniel Bertges, MD
Cross-Seal IDE Trial: Prospective, Multi-Center, Single Arm Study of the Cross-Seal Suture-Mediated Vascular Closure Device System: Prakash Krishnan, MD
ELEGANCE: Increasing Diversity in Peripheral Artery Disease Trials: Maureen Kohi, MD
Intermediate Term (24-Month) Results of the TRANSCEND Study Comparing a Next-Generation Paclitaxel Drug-Coated Balloon (SurVeil DCB) to IN.PACT Admiral DCB in the Treatment of Femoropopliteal Artery Disease: Kenneth Rosenfield, MD
Intravascular Lithotripsy for the Treatment of Peripheral Artery Calcification: Results from the Disrupt PAD III Observational Study: Ehrin Armstrong, MD
Percutaneous Bypass for Treatment of Femoropopliteal Disease: 1-Year Outcomes of the DETOUR-2 Study: Sean Lyden, MD
Periprocedural and Patient-Reported Quality of Life Outcomes After Computer-Aided Mechanical Aspiration Thrombectomy for the Treatment of Acute Pulmonary Embolism: Interim Analysis of the STRIKE-PE Study: Ido Weinberg, MD
Revascularization Therapy for Femoropopliteal Disease With a Novel Intra-Arterial Stent Graft: 12-Month Results of the TORUS-2 Study: Ehrin Armstrong, MD
Safety and Performance of the Indigo Aspiration System for the Treatment of Lower Extremity Acute Limb Ischemia: Interim Analysis of the STRIDE Study: Thomas Maldonado, MD
The AFX2 Anatomically Fixated Endograft Has Similar Outcomes to Commercially Available Proximally Fixated Endografts: 5-Year Results of the LEOPARD Trial: Christopher Kwolek, MD, MBA
Utility of Sirolimus Drug-Eluting Balloons in the Treatment of Complex Below-the-Knee Atherosclerotic Disease in Patients With Chronic Limb-Threatening Ischemia – 24-Month Results From the PRESTIGE Study: Tjun Tang, MD
For additional information on Conference programming: