There have been many innovative new technologies highlighted at the medical conferences I attended in 2017. Each year, I produce a series of videos from each conference I attend that highlights the coolest new technologies demonstrated on the expo floor or discussed in sessions. Here is an aggregation of the seven editor's choice videos I shot in 2017.
These videos highlight the most cutting edge new technology or trends. I carry a video camera while walking the show floors and created the video segments on the fly when I see something interesting, or during scheduled booth tours. When possible, I try to tie in trends and information from the educational sessions to make the information more meaningful not only for the cardiologist readers, but also for supporting clinical staff and C-suite hospital administrators who now often have the final say on the adoption new technologies.
VIDEO: Editor's Choice of the Most Innovative New Technologies at TCT 2017
VIDEO: Editor's Choice of Most Innovative New Cardiac Ultrasound Technology at ASE 2017
VIDEO: Editor's Choice of Most Innovative New Technology at HRS 2017
VIDEO: Editor's Choice of Most Innovative New Cardiac CT Technology at SCCT 2017
VIDEO: Editor's Choice of Most Innovative New Technology at ACC.17
VIDEO: Editor's Choice of Most Innovative Technology at HIMSS 2017
VIDEO: Editor's Choice of the Most Innovative New Imaging Technology at RSNA 2017
VIDEO: Examples of How Artificial Intelligence Will Improve Medical Imaging