July 30, 2018 — Silk Road Medical Inc. recently announced the presentation of real-world data for the treatment of patients with carotid artery disease at risk for stroke at the Society for Vascular Surgery 2018 Vascular Annual Meeting (VAM), June 20-23 in Boston. In a headline presentation, Marc Schermerhorn, M.D., of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (Boston) shared, for the first time, results from the ongoing TransCarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR) Surveillance Project, a key initiative of the Society for Vascular Surgery’s Vascular Quality Initiative (VQI).
The trial evaluated patients over a two-year period, with 1,182 patients receiving TCAR compared to 10,797 patients receiving carotid endarterectomy (CEA).
“Our overall findings showed that while patients receiving TCAR were sicker and more likely to be symptomatic with a higher degree of stenosis, the stroke and death rate compared to CEA was the same,” Schermerhorn said. “With TCAR, there were significantly lower cranial nerve injuries, less time spent in the operating room and fewer patients with a prolonged length of stay. I believe that clinicians should more widely adopt the TCAR technology as it has demonstrated both safety and efficacy and is an excellent alternative to CEA.”
Significant findings from the study showed TCAR to have:
Comparable rates of in-hospital stroke or death to CEA (TCAR, 1.6 percent; CEA, 1.4 percent, p=.33);
Lower rates of acute cranial nerve injury (TCAR, 0.6 percent; CEA, 1.8 percent, p<.001);
Shorter operative times (TCAR, 78 min; CEA, 111 min, p<.001); and
Shorter hospital stays, despite patients being older and sicker (percent of hospitals stays longer than one night: TCAR, 27%; CEA, 30%, p=0.046).
TCAR is a clinically proven procedure combining surgical principles of neuroprotection with minimally invasive endovascular techniques to treat blockages in the carotid artery at risk of causing a stroke. The TCAR Surveillance Project is the largest single body of evidence reported since the launch of TCAR in 2016.
Additional TCAR presentations highlighted at SVS VAM 2018 demonstrated similar results:
“Vascular Live: Latest Stroke Prevention Data Signals Standard of Care Potential in Carotid Revascularization” provided an interim update on the ROADSTER 2 Per Protocol data set. The ROADSTER 2 trial is a post-market study intended to enroll a minimum of 600 patients and with at least 70 percent enrollment completed by newly trained operators. Peter Schneider, M.D., of Kaiser Permanente (Honolulu) and co-principal investigator for the ROADSTER 2 trial, presented interim results on 470 patients. Schneider highlighted a 30-day stroke rate of 0.6 percent and a stroke/death rate of 0.9 percent, consistent with the outcomes seen in the pivotal ROADSTER trial.
“A Multi-Institutional Analysis of Contemporary Outcomes after TransCarotid Artery Revascularization versus Carotid Endarterectomy” compared outcomes of TCAR to CEA across four institutions. Alex King of University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center (Ohio) presented results showing that patients undergoing TCAR (n=292), had similar 30-day stroke rates (TCAR, 1 percent; CEA, 1.1 percent, p=1.00) compared with patients undergoing CEA (n=371), despite being more likely to have significant comorbidities. Acute (TCAR, 0.3 percent; CEA, 4.1 percent, p<.01) and six-month cranial nerve injury rates (TCAR, 0 percent; CEA: 1.9 percent, p=0.02) were shown to be lower with TCAR vs CEA.
The Enroute Transcarotid Stent is intended to be used in conjunction with the Enroute Transcarotid Neuroprotection System (NPS) during the TCAR procedure. The Enroute Transcarotid NPS is used to directly access the common carotid artery and initiate high rate temporary blood flow reversal to protect the brain from stroke while delivering and implanting the Enroute Transcarotid Stent.
For more information: www.silkroadmed.com