Developed to help hospitals seamlessly bring their entire portfolio of wireless services and applications together on a single infrastructure, Enterprise Access with Wireless Medical Telemetry Service (WMTS) enables healthcare organizations to harness the power of next-generation wireless computing throughout their facilities.
The addition of WMTS enables hospitals to operate ApexPro CH wireless telemetry patient monitoring directly over Enterprise Access. This extends the capabilities of the Enterprise Access solution. With ApexPro CH wireless telemetry integrated into the Enterprise Access solution, hospitals have a unique opportunity to deploy telemetry on the same infrastructure as their other wireless services and applications.
Leveraging MobileAccess Wire-it-Once technology, Enterprise Access can accommodate virtually all of a hospital’s wireless needs on a single infrastructure while giving them the flexibility to easily and cost-effectively add services and expand coverage as their wireless requirements evolve. In addition to this new telemetry capability, Enterprise Access enables the full range of other wireless services that hospitals use, including 802.11 a/b/g with encryption, Voice over IP, two-way radio, cellular, Wi-Fi, paging, public safety radio, PCS calls and fire/safety communications.