Bittium BrainStatus
March 11, 2022 – Bittium will join the 65th Congress of the German Society for Clinical Neurophysiology and Functional Imaging (DGKN) on March 10 - 12, 2022. At the conference, Bittium presents its next-generation continuous EEG (cEEG) monitoring solution for acute and intensive care. The solution, Bittium BrainStatus with Cerenion C-Trend, is a wireless EEG measuring system and analysis tool that has medical device approval for the European Union (EU). Bittium BrainStatus EEG device measures and monitors brain EEG signals. With the help of Cerenion C-Trend analysis, the brain's state numeric values are displayed also as simple-to-interpret trend curves by making use of machine-learning algorithms and artificial intelligence. The solution aims to improve care and ease the work of intensive care units' health care staff.
Brain related injuries and dysfunctions cause high costs for society. Continuous EEG monitoring is an important method for assessing consciousness. It helps detect for example nonconvulsive seizures, subarachnoid haemorrhage, swelling and ischemia in real-time.
“Decision making for the treatment and prevention of permanent damage to the health of the patients requires fast and precise recording and evaluation of the brain signals. Nevertheless, brain monitoring in the hospital environment is still considerably restricted due to the challenges in applying the electrodes, technical burden, and complex EEG data analysis”, says Antti Näykki, Senior Vice President of Bittium Medical Technologies. “We have addressed these challenges by designing a fast and easy wireless EEG measurement system. With a quick to wear disposable electrode headband, and together with the integrated Cerenion C-Trend analysis, it supports continuous monitoring and allows an at-a-glance view to brain activity over long monitoring periods. The combination of competencies in biosignal analysis and medical technology with mobile technology and artificial intelligence can help to solve challenges that medical professionals have struggled with for a long time”, Näykki continues.
For more information: https://www.bittium.com/medical/bittium-brainstatus