This channel contains news about the American College of Cardiology (ACC), including coverage of its annual meeting and links to recently released practice guidelines. The ACC is a leading resource for cardiology professionals, including all its subspecialties. 

News | Cardiovascular Clinical Studies

December 11, 2023 — A world without cardiovascular disease (CVD) is possible, yet millions of lives are lost prematurely ...

Home December 11, 2023
News | Atrial Fibrillation

November 6, 2023 — Atrial fibrillation (AF) diagnosis was associated with a 45% increased risk of mild cognitive ...

Home November 06, 2023
News | AHA

October 11, 2023 — A newly-issued American Heart Association presidential advisory identifies the strong connections ...

Home October 10, 2023
Feature | Cardiovascular Clinical Studies | Christine Book

October 11, 2023 — To gain the latest insight into genetic research for the treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy ...

Home October 10, 2023
News | Cardiovascular Business

October 4, 2023 — MedAxiom, a premier source for cardiovascular organizational performance solutions, has released its ...

Home October 04, 2023
News | Artificial Intelligence

October 4, 2023 — The American College of Cardiology (ACC) recently announced that it has started a strategic innovation ...

Home October 04, 2023
News | Cardiovascular Business

September 27, 2023 — The healthcare landscape has undergone rapid changes in recent years, requiring clinicians and ...

Home September 27, 2023
News | ACC

September 12, 2023 — The American College of Cardiology, through a strategic collaboration with Amgen and Esperion, is ...

Home September 12, 2023
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